Friday 28 February 2014

Word Clouds

I have been asked to try my hand at creating some word clouds for work. I have had two goes and quite pleased with them. The cloud is definitely better than the foot. But both still need a bit if tweeking.
Each one has taken a few hours to create.
All done in illustrator c3 so if they get blown up they wont pixelate. Simple but effective. I know you can use apps to create word clouds but I think they are better if someone has sat down and created them and thought about the placing of the words and structure.

Spiral Building_ concept

In the very early stages of designing a spiral building. It could be an office block or class rooms on a campus.
Here I have just done the basic structure and layout. At the moment there are no textures or anything. bu they will be coming shortly :).

Again these have been created in blender 2.69.

Sock Puppet 3d print mockups

Just pottering around with the sock puppet mesh.
I really want to get a 3d print, so just done a few renders to see what it might look like.

I do really want one printed.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Sock Puppet

A bit of a random project. But I have designed a robber sock puppet. 'Smutty' (a take on sooty) is a robber.
The whole thing was created using blender cycles and the textures, were created using the 'nodes' in blender.

After this I tried doing a full package design (like you see in a toy shop), the box texture was done in photoshop and added to the mesh in blender. This lead to trying a wacky magazine advert for the puppet.

Monday 24 February 2014

Rubiks Mirror Cube

Talking of all things 'Design'. I bought a Rubiks Mirror cube. Just like a normal rubiks but all one colour (silver) and all the cubes vary in sizes. When you mix the cube up you get some great abstract shapes.

I can complete it, without cheating too :)

New friend for the office

yeah it's a talking Ted.

Suitable for any office and I think every office needs one #geek. He is a quality little character. :)

Frankie's Coffee Shop

Another 'Amazing Spaces' inspired project.

This time I wanted to take two shipping containers at the end of our car park at work and see what they would look like being a small coffee shop.

The containers and tables/chairs are to scale and it made it easier to add and remove doors.
The main idea is that anything in the containers could be recycled and up cycled to create the decking outside and flooring inside.

I've still got to do the interior, and have some great ideas for that. So stay tuned :)

Grimdale Town

I was re-doing an old image.

Grimedale is fictional town my friend has created, and did a short film 'Mr Pickle' in which it is set.

I wanted to see if i could turn the 2d image into a 3d one but still keep his original style. I did add a few of my own details to the scene.

Here is the latest version, all of it done in Blender 2.69.

To watch Mr Pickle go to

there are some amazing videos on his channel.

Red Curtains

Needed some red theatre curtains for a job at work.
So instead of just downloading an image from Google, I tried to create my own.

Using a tutorial from  I managed to make my own. I used a velvet texture in Blender cycles.

The second image is the flyer without any text added.

Retro Robot

I was really in the mood to tinker and have a go with this piece.
I used an image off Google as reference.

I just really enjoyed creating the spring and clips and bolts.

Origami Frog

A random piece of artwork, playing around in blender.
I was asked to model a 3d frog in blender, but on finding this a bit too difficult a opted to create some origami frogs instead.

This proved to be just as tough to do, firstly I had to make the actual origami frog and then, try to create something similar in 3d. What I do like about this piece is that they do look like they are made out of paper, which is definitely a bonus.


Here are some 3d tablets I created for a poster at work.
All done in Blender 2.69 and rendered using cycles. Really liked how the textures add to the realism of them.

Nice and simple

Deserted Scene

After playing 'The Last of us' i was inspired to have a go at making my deserted street scene in Blender.

This is an unfinished project, and I'm looking to re-doing it in the new version of blender, and to really work on the textures, add sky and better quality of water.

But i am happy with the look of it at this stage.

Christmas Treats

In December I was given the task by some friends at work to create different images of Christmas.
I managed to create eleven different images.

Now I have finally had the time to put them on this blog. All created using Blender 2.69 using cycles to render the images. After that adding a few lighting extras using Photoshop.

Here are some of the better images.

3d Beach Hut Concept

A colleague and myself had the idea to come up with our own 'Amazing Spaces' project.
My colleague came up with a Beach hut idea and chose the colour schemes and styles of the interior.
I created the beach hut and all other elements in Blender (open source 3d software), I used cycles to render the project.

We were both proud of the final outcome of the Beach Hut.